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Wednesday, March 20, 2013


March 19, 2013
Chiropractic Medicare

The Medicare Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program is still alive and well. Incentive direct deposits are taking place across the country in the amount of up to $18,000.00 for those who have successfully attested for 2012.

The amount of your incentive payment depends on when you began participating in the program. The incentive payment is 75% of your Medicare allowed charges up to a maximum annual cap.
"The total maximum incentive amount that you can be paid under the Medicare EHR Incentive Program is $44,000 over five consecutive years of program participation. As you can see, you receive the maximum incentive by starting in 2011 or 2012 . If you don’t start by 2014, you are not eligible to receive any incentive payment under the Medicare EHR Incentive Program." -Page 15 of "An Introduction to the Medicare EHR Incentive Program for Eligible Professionals" found here: (

Example: If you attested before the end of 2012, you have received up to $18,000.00 incentive money in your checking account. If you continue Electronic Health Records in 2013, you will receive another deposit in your checking account in the amount of up to $12,000.00. When you continue for 2014, you will receive another deposit of up to $4,000.00 and if you continue in 2015, you will receive up to a final $2,000.00 deposit.

If you start now and attest in a timely manner this year, you will receive up to $12,000.00, next year for 2013, and up to $8,000.00 in 2015 form 2014. If you wait to attest in 2014, you have waited to long, and then in 2016 you will begin receiving cuts in your Medicare fees and probably other health insurance fees for the rest of your practicing years. Those that are doing Electronic Health Records presently will continue receiving increases in the fee structure instead of cuts.

How do you begin? First, is your office software certified? If it is, then call your software company and get it going. DO IT NOW! It's later than you think! If your office software is not certified look for one that is and get going. We have used Chirotouch for over one year and love it. If you have an interest in Chirotouch give me a call and I can save you some bucks.


D.D. Palmer wrote "The Chiropractor" booklets each month, 1904 thru 1908. Those are what B. J. Palmer used to create the first Chiropractic Book in 1906. We now have those "The Chiropractor" booklets in two (2) large books. If you like history, these are a must! Call me or send an email for more information.

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