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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

ABN Electronic

March 11, 2013
Chiropractic Medicare
ABN Electronic

ABN: Electronic retention of the signed paper document is acceptable. Notifiers may scan the signed paper version of the ABN for electronic medical record retention and, if desired, give the paper copy to the beneficiary (patient) at time of visit.

Centers of Medicare and Medicare Services (CMS) currently does not have a written policy on the electronic issuance of ABN’s. However, it is not prohibited. These are the CMS recommendations offered to provider/suppliers at this time:

a. If an electronic issuance system is used, the beneficiary (patient) must be given the option of requesting paper issuance over electronic, if that is what he/she prefers.

b. ABN’s can be printed for issuance, the paper copy signed by the beneficiary then scanned for electronic health record (EHR) retention, and the original paper copy can be given to the beneficiary.

IMPORTANT: Electronic issuance system can not be located and used at the front desk. The doctor must see the patient, make an assessment, then the patient may sign the ABN prior to any services today.

The ABN or Advanced Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage link to the form

The ABN or Advanced Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage information


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