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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Newsletter 8/06/12 ~ "Back to the Basics"

August 6, 2012
Chiropractic Medicare
"Back to the Basics"

The simple fact is "if you do not know how to do Chiropractic Medicare correctly...there is trouble!"  So most important....learn the correct way to do Chiropractic Medicare.

We have had the privilege of sharing, with our fellow Chiropractors and their staff, Chiropractic Medicare information for the past 34 years.  We constantly hear remarks like, "I have been in practice for 27 years.  Why didn't someone tell me this before now?" 

 You may believe you are doing Chiropractic Medicare correctly.  However, question yourself.  If you receive an audit today in the mail, what does your documentation look like? (Documentation is not S.O.A.P. notes.)  What does your treatment plan look like and does it have all three (3) required elements?

Questions? Please call me!  800-MY-CHIRO


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