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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Step 7 of the 7 Mandated Steps "Responding to Detected Offenses, Developing Corrective Action Initiatives, and Reporting to Government Authorities"

March 26, 2012
Chiropractic Medicare
"Becoming Compliant"
Step 7 of the 7 Mandated Steps

Dear Doctors and staff,

Our future is not merely something that happens to us, but something that we participate in creating.  If we do this constantly, we can create an organized environment that works for both Chiropractors and Medicare.

I am finding the majority of Chiropractors have no idea, as of yet, their mandated responsibility of becoming Medicare compliant by the end of 2012.  Some DC's have stuck their heads in the sand hoping it all will go away.  However, about 10% to 20% of my fellow Chiropractors are collecting information and have made the move to become compliant.  Those are the one's that will be in a strong Chiropractic business in 2014.

You first must know the correct way to do Chiropractic Medicare, then, you must know how to protect personal health information you have collected from your patients, and last, you must become compliant in Medicare.
Medicare Compliance Step # 7: Responding to Detected Offenses, Developing Corrective Action Initiatives, and Reporting to Government Authorities

Our guidebook has complete written guidelines in reference to responding to detected offenses, developing corrective action and reporting to government authorities.  It has written policy about Internal Investigations with 30 categories already prepared for your office.  It contains a Case File Report, Log of Non-Compliance form, Post-Audit Monitoring Report, Release Statement, Progressive Discipline Policy, Discipline Documentation Form, Human Resources Department, Guidelines for Interaction between Compliance Department and Internal Audit Department, Exit Interview Questionnaire, and How to Report Medicare Fraud.  It's already completed for you and your staff.

Becoming compliant in Medicare can be fairly easy or so difficult many will not even try.  That is up to you.  We have put all the difficult stuff together for you.  Now you must decide. Are you going to become compliant?  (If not, you won't have much of a practice in 2013-2014.)  Yes, you will attempt to become Compliant and must be ready by the end of this year.

Have questions? Give Dr. Street a call today at (618) 395-3800.

Spring 2012 Seminar Schedule:

*Thursday, March 29, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm at Urbana Country Club, Urbana, IL

*Thursday, April 19, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm at the Chariot Hotel - Louisville, KY

*Thursday, May 24, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm at King Oscar Hotel, Auburn, WA

*Thursday, May 24, 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm at Staybridge Suites, Mukilteo, WA

*Saturday, May 26, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm at Quality Inn Oakwood, Spokane, WA

To Register Call:  (618) 395-3800

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Step 6 of the 7 Mandated Steps "Enforcement through Publicized Disciplinary Guide-lines and Policies Dealing with Ineligible Persons"

March 19, 2012
Chiropractic Medicare
"Medicare Compliance"
Step 6 of the 7 Mandated Steps

Dear Doctors and Staff,

Seems like a slow process, however, several Chiropractors and their staff are realizing "becoming compliant in Medicare" is different than learning the correct way to do Medicare.  Even though Chiropractors have a chiropractic Medicare billing error rate of 67%, that has very little to do with becoming "compliant." The error rate of 67% simply means the majority of Chiropractors and their staff does not know the correct way to do Medicare. Becoming compliant in Medicare is when you have implemented the seven (7) mandatory steps in your practice to stop fraud and Medicare abuse.  Over the past several weeks, I have been talking about each of the seven mandatory steps.

Medicare Compliance Step # 6
Enforcement through Publicized Disciplinary Guide-lines and Policies Dealing with Ineligible Persons:
You must have written policy for your practice that apply appropriate discipline sanctions on those officers, employees, staff, etc., who fail to comply with applicable statutory Medicare requirements and with the contractor's written standards of conduct.  You shall have a list of policies which include specific sanctions.  You shall have factors considered before disciplinary actions are imposed.  You shall have a hand written guideline in regards to Progressive Discipline along with the elements of a progressive discipline system.

You shall also have written policies and guidelines in regards to the employment conduct with ineligible persons.  Your guidelines should include how to conduct an employee background check along with an employee application and screening that answers all the necessary information in regards to an employee application.

The purpose of these seven (7) steps in Chiropractic Medicare Compliance is to stop fraud, abuse and errors.  As you will see....the program is extremely effective.  Next week we will cover item # 7, "Responding to Detected Offenses, Developing Corrective Action Initiatives and Reporting to Government Authorities" as mandated by the government.

Becoming compliant in Medicare can be fairly easy or so difficult many will not even try.  That is up to you.  We have put all the difficult stuff together for you.  Now you must decide if you are going to become compliant.

Have questions? Give Dr. Street a call today at (618) 395-3800.

Spring 2012 Seminar Schedule:

*Thursday, March 22, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm at Staybridge Suites - St. Louis, MO

*Thursday, March 29, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm at Urbana Country Club, Urbana, IL

*Thursday, April 19, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm at the Chariot Hotel - Louisville, KY

*Thursday, May 24, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm at King Oscar Hotel, Auburn, WA

*Thursday, May 24, 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm at Staybridge Suites, Mukilteo, WA

To Register Call:  (618) 395-3800

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Step 5 of the 7 Mandated Steps "Auditing and Monitoring - Risk Areas"

March 12, 2012
Chiropractic Medicare
"Becoming Medicare Compliant"
Step 5 of the 7 Mandated Steps

Dear Doctors and Staff,

Anthony Robins reminds us, "It's not what's happening to you now or what has happened to your past that determines who you become.  Rather, it's your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to you, and what you’re going to do about them that will determine your ultimate destiny."

Becoming compliant in Medicare can be fairly easy or so difficult many will not even try.  That is up to you.  We have put all the difficult stuff together for you.  Now you must decide. Are you going to become compliant?  (If not, you won't have much of a practice in 2013-2014.)  Yes, you will attempt to become Compliant. (And, you must be ready by the end of this year.)  It’s Decision Time. You can sit down and spend about 3 months putting together your Chiropractic Medicare Compliance Program or give us a call. We have it completed for you.

Medicare Compliance Step #5:  Auditing and Monitoring - Risk Areas:
Internal Auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve our business operations.  It brings systematic discipline to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and the contractor's commitment to comply with all applicable statutory, regulatory and Medicare Program requirements.

Internal audits are performed by specific staff, depending upon the numbers employed.  Those doing the audits are trained so they are competent to identify potential issues within critical review areas.

Written reports are issued to CO (Compliance Officers) and contractors.  The contractor can then follow up on specific reports of non-compliance. 

Exit Interview Questionnaires should be developed and used to determine if exiting employees observed any violations in the Compliance Program.

Risk areas are determined by both auditing and monitoring activities with a compiled list of areas that are typically vulnerable to fraud and other misconduct.

This is Number 5 of the seven mandated areas we must address.  Next week I will discuss #6:  Enforcement through Publicized Disciplinary Guidelines and Policies Dealing with Intelligible Persons.

The purpose of these seven (7) steps in Chiropractic Medicare Compliance is to stop fraud, abuse and errors.  As you will see the program is extremely effective.

Have questions? Give Dr. Street a call today at (618) 395-3800.

Spring 2012 Seminar Schedule:

*Thursday, March 22, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm at Staybridge Suites - St. Louis, MO

*Thursday, March 29, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm at Urbana Country Club, Urbana, IL

*Thursday, April 19, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm at the Chariot Hotel - Louisville, KY

*Thursday, May 24, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm at King Oscar Hotel, Auburn, WA

*Thursday, May 24, 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm at Staybridge Suites, Mukilteo, WA

To Register Call:  (618) 395-3800

Friday, March 9, 2012

Step 4 of the 7 Mandated Steps "Developing Effective Lines of Communication"

March 5, 2012
Chiropractic Medicare
"Medicare Compliance"
Step 4 of the 7 Mandated Steps

Dear Doctors and Staff,

"Look for the Silver Lining."  In 1914, Thomas Edison's New Jersey factory was all but wiped out by a massive fire.  The total damage came to more than $2 million; however, the buildings we insured for only $238,000 - because they were concrete and thought to be fireproof.  Edison himself was there that night and watched most of his life's works go up in flames.

The next morning, walking among the ruins, Edison said to his young son Charles: "There is great value in disaster.  All our mistakes are burned up. Thank God that we can start anew."  Three weeks after the fire, Edison unveiled the world’s first phonograph.

The Chiropractic Medicare Compliance Program will "start us anew".  Even though it is quite a hassle, it will assure we are doing Chiropractic Medicare correctly and will surely cut down fraud and abuse in the Medicare program.

Step #4: Developing Effective Lines of Communication:
We must have developed a system in our offices for staff to report suspected non-compliance.  Those reports may be issued to the Compliance Officer or Contractor, by way of a "drop box", hotline phone calls, or both direct contact or anonymous.  A specific chain of command will deal with any reports of non-compliance, and the Compliance Department shall maintain a detailed log of all reports.

The purpose of these seven (7) steps in Chiropractic Medicare Compliance is to stop fraud, abuse and errors.  As you will see the program is extremely effective.  Next week we will cover item # 5, "Auditing and Monitoring Risk Areas" as mandated by the government.

Have questions? Give Dr. Street a call today at (618) 395-3800.

Spring 2012 Seminar Schedule:

 *Thursday, March 22, 2012
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm at
Staybridge Suites - St. Louis, MO
To Register Call:  (618) 395-3800

*Thursday, March 29, 2012
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm at
Urbana Country Club – Urbana, IL
To Register Call:  (618) 395-3800