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Friday, November 25, 2011

Are YOU Knowing the Correct Way to Chiropractic Medicare Compliance? ~Newsletter 11/25/11

November 25, 2011
Chiropractic Medicare Compliance, HIPAA and
Knowing the Correct way to do Medicare

Dear Doctors and Staff,

Having spent hours, this and last month, working on documents, forms, data, office policies,and reports necessary to become Medicare Compliant in 2012, it should be completed and ready to go by November 30th.

Two points of interest:
   1.  After going through ALL the "stuff" required by federal law - I can't imagine very   many offices will prepare this themselves.
   2.  The fee we have set to sell this program is worth every dime!

The manpower, critical thinking and production of the Chiropractic Compliance Program material is staggering, let alone, understanding and producing all the different office policies for all the different categories each office must produce.  If done correctly, the implementation of the Medicare Compliance Program, with self-audits and all the policies, will have a positive effect on the Chiropractic Error Medicare Rate.

Those Chiropractors that do not go through or implement this program will stand out like a sore thumb and I am sure will be in prime position for audits from their specific Medicare carriers.

There are three (3) specific areas we chiropractors must understand and implement in our practices:
1. Learning the correct way to do Chiropractic Medicare ("The Basics" Chiropractic Medicare DVD and Booklet)
2. Protecting patient Personal Health Information (Chiropractic HIPAA book and CD)
3. Chiropractic Medicare compliance with written policies to prevent fraud and abuse in the Medicare program (Chiropractic Compliance Program book and CD)

The most profound problem we Chiropractors face is the lack of knowledge of how the Chiropractic Medicare actually functions and what is specifically  needed to "document" the Chiropractic necessity of care. (Not S.O.A.P. notes)  If you become Medicare compliant, as mandated by 2012, and still make errors in "documentation" have gained nothing.

For those D. C's and staff that have attended our seminars, or have purchased our Chiropractic Medicare DVD, consider ordering our NEW Chiropractic Compliant CD & book. You are on the safe road for Chiropractic Medicare Compliance!

For those D.C.'s that do not have, or know about "The Basics" Chiropractic Medicare DVD or our Seminars, we have put together a bundle so you can get all the important information at a very good cost. Please call me for more information 618-395-3162 or 800-MY-CHIRO.

Dr. Street

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