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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Chiropractic Medicare Good Bye…. May 2019

Chiropractic Medicare Good Bye…. May 2019

After 35 plus years of providing Chiropractic Medicare information, answers to thousands of chiropractic Medicare questions plus lots of printed materials, DVD’s and CDs to help my fellow chiropractors and their Staff with Medicare…. It’s time to retire.
In doing so, I sincerely “thank” those that have attended “The Basics” Chiropractic Medicare Seminars all over America. It has been fun and exciting, plus, we have been in every major and many small towns in America.
“Thank you” to the Chiropractic Colleges, and Chiropractic State Associations who so kindly gave to me speaking engagements for their membership.
I will be ending my broadcast Chiropractic Medicare E-mail in 30 days, however you may have an interest in some Chiropractic Medicare and Chiropractic History materials before they disappear, especially since none of this information will be available for our profession in the future.
We still have considerable items in stock…. when they are gone, they are gone. These items will do me no good upon retirement so I am making them available to my fellow chiropractors so they don’t go to waste and at a great discounted fee (up to 75% off).

Items Remaining…. for 30 days:
1.) “The Basics” Chiropractic Medicare Program booklet and DVD
2.) “The Basics” Chiropractic Office Fundamentals Book 12th. Edition
3.) Chiropractic Medicare Audits and Appeals DVD and booklet
4.) Chiropractic HIPAA Forms and CD ready to use
5.) Medicare Chiropractic Compliance Book and CD ready to implement

Bundle #4.)  Chiropractic Medicare DVD and Booklet, The Basics Office Fundamentals Book, HIPAA book and CD, Par or Non-Par CD. 
Bundle #5.) The Basics Chiropractic Medicare booklet and DVD, and The Basic Chiropractic Medicare Compliance Book and CD ready to implement.

Other Specials… Chiropractic History:

D.D. Palmer’s Early Years, The Discovery of Chiropractic Presentation book and CD (includes a copy of “Sweet Home” New Boston, Illinois Historic Tour)

Zarbuck’s Chiropractic History. Collected Chiropractic History collected and written by Merwyn V. Zarbuck, D.C. including the historic Chiropractic Parallax. A real collectors piece for any chiropractor interest in chiropractic history. 

Super Special: Only place this Chiropractic History collectors item is available!
            First, D.D. Palmer put together small paper booklets called “The Chiropractor” and later B. J. Palmer continued publishing “The Chiropractor” that was used to produce the first Chiropractic Green Books (even though it was red). Those Palmer booklets are now available as Volume I and Volume II., “The Chiropractor” 1904 to 1906. (These will never be available again after 30 days)

“The Chiropractor” D.D. Palmer Volume 1 and “The Chiropractor” B. J. Palmer Volume II 1904 to 1906 

To order:
Call  1-800-692-4476   You may use: Visa, MasterCard and Discover or paypal.
All items will be available for 30 days or until stock is depleted.

Thank you everybody!!